Physicians Grade PRIME products

What CBD Beauty Products Can Do For You

By now you’ve most likely heard a bit about CBD and its healing properties, and if you’ve used it consistently, you know just how much it can help with things like anxiety, muscle fatigue and body aches. But what you may not know is just how beneficial adding CBD to your skincare routine can be!  

Recently, Bloomingdales (a retailer that carries Physicians Grade PRIME) did a roundup of some of their best selling CBD based beauty products. From lip balm, to lotions, to serums CBD can be found in many products. But what should you be looking for when it comes to CBD based beauty products, and how do you even know where to begin?

Well to start, it’s important to talk about what CBD based beauty products can do for you. CBD, formally known as Cannabidiol is known to offer up an assortment of anti-inflammatory benefits which can be beneficial in treating skin concerns like inflammation and skin dryness. 

CBD Beauty for Acne

Another known benefit is that CBD can also be effective at fighting things like acne, as it is known to help to reduce the production of sebum in the skin! Acne isn’t just for kids, and finding ways to help reduce the production of sebum is known to really help with the long term prevention of acne. 

Here is a link to shop some of our best sellers, we can’t wait to hear how our CBD based products help your skin.

P.S. It can be hard to know what to even look for when it comes to CBD based beauty products, So we broke down all of the things you should look for when it comes to the ingredients of CBD based skincare in this recent post.

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